
Martes, Oktubre 4, 2011

The Experiment to Reveal Secrets of Universe Could Cause the End of the World

The Experiment to Reveal Secrets of Universe Could Cause the End of the World

  The $4.4 billion Large Hadron Collider was developed to reveal how the universe was created after the Big Bang. It is meant to show how life appeared, but according to some scientists it might lead to the end of the world.
According to critics, the machine, if activated, could create a shower of small black holes, which could swallow planet Earth. Large Hadron Collider will smash sub-atomic particles together at a speed close to the speed of light. In such a way researchers hope to see what happed at a fraction of a second after the Big Bang, sneaking into the secrets of how life was born in the universe.
It is worth mentioning that the machine has been built 300ft beneath the territories of France and Switzerland. The project was founded by 20 countries.
Otto Rossler, a representative of a group of scientists raising a last-minute court dispute over the project, believes that one of the LHC-generated black holes within 4 years could swallow our planet inside-out. According to a group of scientists, the experiment involving LHC comes in contradiction with the right to life under the European Convention of Human Rights. Nevertheless, the case disputed at the European Court of Human Rights will most likely not interfere with the launch of the machine scheduled on Wednesday of next week.
Professor Rossler, a German chemist, mentioned that the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) admits the fact that the experiment could create black holes, but it doesn't consider these holes dangerous.
"My own calculations have shown it is quite plausible that these little black holes survive and will grow exponentially and eat the planet from the inside. I have been calling for CERN to hold a safety conference to prove my conclusions wrong but they have not been willing," he warned. Scientists that work on the project considered the claims absurd.
According to a report written earlier this year: "over the past billions of years, nature has already generated on Earth as many collisions as about a million LHC experiments - and the planet still exists. The lifespan of any mini-black holes would be "very short."
James Gillies, spokesman for CERN, said that: "the Large Hadron Collider will not be producing anything that does not happen routinely in nature due to cosmic rays. If they were dangerous we would know about it already."
Previously scientists used large particle colliders in order to smash atoms and pieces of atoms together, but the current machine is the biggest and most powerful ever built.

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