
Biyernes, Setyembre 30, 2011

Top 10 Most Dangerous Places on Earth

In this crime-ridden, ex-Soviet state, no longer does the government stuff their Armani suits with rubles, but the vandals and gangsters. The Russian mafia runs amuck, there are more gangsters than police, and a Russian is assassinated every 18 minutes, averaging 84 murders per day in a nation of 143 million. The nucleus of Russian crime is stationed in the Republic of Chechnya, a region within Russia just north of Georgia. Prostitution, drug trafficking, and underground restaurants are arbitrarily controlled by the Chechens. Foreigners are kidnapped more frequently due to the higher ransom allocated. Crimes towards include but are not limited to: pick pocketing wallets, cell phones, cameras, cash, and physical assaults. From superpower to Third World country, think tanks are beginning to speculate if communism really was the cure for Russia. [Source]

Ap Brazilpolice2
For anyone traveling to Brazil, it is not a matter of whether you get mugged, it is a matter of when! Grinding poverty still lives alongside incredible wealth in a country that is riding a wave of economic growth. But with prosperity, rates of crime have also soared. Street crime is rampant in parts of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paolo, and whilst many victims are left unharmed, having a broken bottle put to your throat for your bracelet is not pleasant. The incidences of “quicknappings” has risen in major cities. This involves being abducted and taken to an ATM to pay your ransom. If you can’t pay, thanks to mobile technology, your family is only a call away. Along with street crime, organized criminal groups have waged wars against police and public institutions that were unable to be bribed. Prison riots are brutally suppressed, drugs and narco-terrorism claim civilian casualties and if you survive all that – the piranhas are waiting.
South Africa
Any nation described as the ‘rape capital of the world’ should be one to take extra special care in. Although rape had shown a declining trend to 113.7 in 2004, it increased in 2005 to 118.3 per 100 000. Another damning statistic for South Africa is its appallingly high murder rate. The 2010 World Cup host is consistently in the Top 5 list of countries by homicide rate. Most crime is confined to poor areas but it hasn’t stopped gated communities springing up all over South Africa and armed guards protecting wealthy tourist groups. Farming in South Africa has become one of the most dangerous professions in the world. The murder rate for farmers is 313 per 100 000 – about 8 times the national average. And like anywhere, sex can be very dangerous in South Africa, where more than 10 million people are infected with HIV.
This small, densely populated and poor nation has giant problems. A civil war between Hutus and Tutsis tore the nation apart between 1993 and 2006. A ceasefire was declared however most provisions have not been implemented. Mass murder and mayhem compete with environmental problems as the biggest headaches for the people of Burundi. The list of assassinated leaders is extensive, and control of the nation has changed hands numerous times in the last 50 years. Crimes committed by roaming gangs and armed children are risks for visitors. Muggings, carjackings and kidnappings await, so you are advised not to stop the car for souvenirs. Should you be injured or harmed while in Burundi, you may need to be well trained, as local clinics have almost no resources to assist you.
While murder, rape and robbery may not be a big problem in this part of the world, the hostile conditions are. Antarctica is home to some extreme weather conditions, with the mercury regularly dropping below -60 degrees Celsius (-100F) and winds tearing in at more than 100km/hr. If exposed to this weather for more than an hour, you will most certainly die. Antarctica has no hospitals, no food to forage and if you get lost, not a lot of hope. Stay with the tour groups. At least there is a McDonald’s at Scott Base if you manage to find it.
011112 Afghanistan
This nation has for hundreds of years, been one of the worlds most strategically important and lusted after territories. However it remains one of the poorest, undeveloped and unstable. During the Soviet invasion, the Red Army planted more than 12 million landmines in Afghanistan. Hundreds of people are killed, shredded, and maimed each year due to these insidious devices. Following the Soviets came the Taliban, whose control meant women were banned from jobs and universities. In 2001, the United States overthrew the Taliban, but banditry, tribal rivalries and drug related violence has left the nation unstable. Suicide bombings are a constant threat, and nobody in Afghanistan is safe. The most lethal suicide attack occurred in Baghlan Province in November 2007, killing more than 70 people. Did I mention Afghanistan is also the worlds largest supplier of top grade hashish and opium?
Somalia is a failed state known for its anarchy, corruption, lack of government, and starvation. Travelers are warned against entering Somalia, the self-proclaimed “independent Republic of Somaliland” or even sailing near the Horn Of Africa. Pirates patrol these waters armed with AK-47s and will seize craft and hold crews to ransom. Inter-clan fighting has claimed thousands of lives in the north of the country, while territorial control in the capital, Mogadishu is carved up between many clans and warlords. Ethiopia attacked Islamic troops in Somalia in late 2006, resulting in hundreds of casualties and the internal displacement of thousands. Heck, if this place is too much for the Marines, what chance do you stand? Make sure your insurance is fully up to date.
Desperation, death and destruction are synonymous with Sudan. Terrorism is a mainstay of this nation, which has been controlled by Islamic military regimes since its independence. Some of the worlds most famous killers have earned their stripes in Sudan, finishing with degrees in car-bombing, rocket launching and genocide. Violence is rife in the Darfur region between government-backed militias, government troops and local insurgent groups. Sudan has been in open warfare with Chad partly due to the Darfur conflict. Since 2003, 230,000 Sudanese refugees have fled to eastern Chad from Darfur. More than two million have died during the 2 civil wars that spanned the last 50 years. Along with its bleak desert conditions, Sudan is one of the worst places on the planet.
Kidnapping is the main worry in Colombia. There were 2338 kidnappings in Colombia in 1998. Of the victims, 138 were killed by their captors. Ranked Fourth in the world for murders with 69.98/100000 in 2006, the popular targets are mayors, with dozens of them being slain each year. And of course, who can forget cocaine? Colombia supplies 75% of the worlds supply and thanks to Pablo Escobar and the Cali Cartel, paramilitary groups have waged war on the government in a bloody conflict with no end in sight. Even those working in the name of charity are not excluded from the frenzy. In 2005, 5 Catholic missionaries were murdered, down from 9 in 1999. Colombia’s beautiful coast and rugged mountains should make it a tourist paradise, instead it is among the most feared destinations you can visit.
It doesn’t matter whether you are George Bush, Pele or Chuck Norris – you are not safe in Iraq. Despite its rich history and its oil reserves, it is a ruined nation that is wracked with violence, despair and confusion. Since 2003, the United States has occupied Iraq which has led to a civil war claiming the lives of more than 650 000 civilians. Al-Qaeda, Sunni insurgents, Shiite security forces, Kurdish rebels, American soldiers, Turkish troops and criminals are involved in a cycle of violence that unfortunately, will not abate any time soon. Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), Explosively Formed Penetrators (EFPs) and mines are a constant threat, as are suicide bombers who have slain hundreds. Kidnappings and random killings are reported with almost mind-numbing frequency. Since 2003, 2 million Iraqis have fled to neighboring countries and another 1.9 million in Iraq remain internally displaced. Depleted uranium used as armor-piercing rounds will poison Iraqi civilians and US servicemen for decades. Truly, a hell on earth.

 -- From

Huwebes, Setyembre 29, 2011

The Montauk Project and the Philadelphia Experiment--- Time Machine Does Exist!!!!

The Montauk Project and the Philadelphia Experiment

With Al Bielek, Preston Nichols, and Duncan Cameron The only 3 Known Survivors of the Eldridge Tell All Publicly
These Montauk Project retirees-Al Bielek, Preston Nichols, and Duncan Cameron give an introduction about what the various projects were all about. They also talk about how and why the project got started, and what their involvement's were.
Preston Nichols-Philadelphia Project Engineer, Builder of the Eldridge Generators Delta-T Antenna

General Summery: First Underground Video: Part 1, 90 min.
After a series of crashed saucers in New Mexico and other parts of the world, the government decided that they needed to set up a series of bases to investigate this phenomena and find personnel that could decode the salvaged equipment into a working new technology (reverse engineering).
The Montauk Project was to be an elite black project investigating paranormal, psychic, and unconventional sciences. It was to include the most intelligent respected scientists in the world using the most sophisticated advanced computer equipment available.
Al Bielek-Philadelphia project Retiree
The Montauk project turned out to become a huge project branching off into many other smaller projects including Mind Control, Telepathy, Teleportation, and Time Travel.
  • Al Bielek, one of the key people involved in the group, gives and introduction about the project and talks about how the project started with the following three pioneer people:
  • John Hutchenson Sr., Dean of the University of Chicago.
  • Dr. Kurtenhauer, Austrian Physicist (who later formed the Institute of Advanced Studies in Princeton, New Jersey).
  • Nicola Tesla, visionary, and worlds greatest inventor.
  • Invited to join later were Dr. John Von Neumann, acclaimed mathematicians and physicist, and Albert Einstein, Nobel prize winner, physicist. Both of which accepted and worked in the project, Einstein resigned in 1932 for his own unknown reasons.
  • Von Neumann was a well educated doctor of physics, and there was a lot of fighting between him and Tesla, as Tesla had no formal education and relied mostly on his visionary talents.
The first project: The Rainbow project (project invisibility), was founded in 1936.
Nicola Tesla was named Director of the project. Tesla was given anything that was required by him for the testing of the project. Tesla required and was given a navy battle ship on which the experiments were to be tested. The first test of invisibility occurred in 1940 and was slated as a full success when a navy ship with no crew on board vanished from this plane of existence (see map of vanished location).
Tesla stated that there would be a serious problem with personnel if anyone were to enter the ship while the gauss coils were turned on and the Electro Magnetic radiation would damage them within this reality. He said in numerous occasions that he was in contact with Extra-Terrestrials and that the ET's had also confirmed that there would be a problem.
Tesla wanted to clarify the problem before any farther experiments would begin. However the Navy said no, they were fighting a war and had no time to waist. On the second experiment, Tesla, not wanting to destroy lives, discreetly sabotaged the controls, and when they pulled the switch, nothing happened. He then resigned and quit the project in 1942.
Joining the now called Philadelphia Project ,under the direction of Dr. Von Neumann, were Dr. Gustoff and Dr. Clarkson to farther investigate these problems.
Also called in was Dr. Levinson (1912-1976), of which there seems to be no history of his existence. He however he did leave behind 3 books, all of which were banned and destroyed, regarding the Levinson time equations of space. Dr. David Hilbert, born 1912, was signed up due to his knowledge of multiple and alternate reality's, and multi space time. Von Neumann died later in 1957.
Al Bielek was invited to join the project in Aug 1939 dufe to his unique knowledge and ability in Psychic and Metaphysical ability. He was educated by the Navy as to the projects intentions, through to 1940. He was assigned to providing detailed reports on the projects progress.
 More of Preston's Drawings  Montauk Tuner
Bielek , a rather unique character, was borne in Aug 1916 as Edward A. Cameron, and after retiring from the project, was de-briefed and brainwashed. He had his memory erased of all the Montauk events, and then had his consciousness removed and put into another body and incarnated and born as Duncan Cameron in 1917. With much deprogramming and regression analysis, Bielek was able to pull back and verify most of his memory.
The Philadelphia project, became the Phoenix project when the case was re-opened again in 1947 at the Brook-haven space-time laboratories, to see if they could salvage some this "non-working" project, and hide their ships and aircraft from radar (today's Stealth Technology).
Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron Talk about their Experiences on the Philadelphia Project Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron were assigned to the psychic division of Montauk and worked with time tunneling and Teleportation. One of these are the famed "Montauk Chair". The Montauk Chair was essentially a mind amplifier. They found that they could easily re-program people when they were put into the orgasmic state of emotion, this would separate the conscious mind, and free up the unconscious submissive mind and allow programming. The chair would pick up this thought. With the help of a psychic and machines, anyone who sat in the chair could simply concentrate and an alternate reality would be created.
During these tests at Montauk from 1947 to 1987, they developed the technology that a transmitter could warp space and time just like gravity. Preston Nichols built this transmitter. They were able to find a time vortex that would tunnel them back and forth between 1983 and 1943. This vortex was about 5 miles in diameter and could teleport you as far as 100 light years away, to and from any time in the past or future. They experimented to see the earth a thousand years in the future but found that anything beyond the year 2021 was unrecognizable and found no tangible future beyond 2021. Preston explains also that if someone were teleported back into time say 3 minutes, they would eventually meet themselves and explode.
With this transmitter, what ever you could think of would appear. Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron describes the many adventures of going through the vortex to not only different times, but also different locals. Cameron would psychically create it, while Bielek would be teleported to it. Objects could be taken to and from these different locals and times instantly. He tells of a Time-Life magazine that was taken from 1987 back to 1947 during a test. You could take a picture or video tape anything while in the tunnel and take it back with you. There may however be repercussions. By having knowledge about the future, this knowledge has now altered the present.
Al Bielek describes the fluid like structure and the cork screw sensations when he passes through the vortex.
Many people were lost when the generator received fluctuation or was turned off. This is the reason why they used single people with no family and no previous history, so that they would not be missed. Many recruits were sent to the year 6069 and then returned to describe what they saw. If they described what they saw what was known to be there, then they would continue in the project since their testimony could be validated. Duncan describes the Earth in the year 6069 as a city of unrecognizable ruins in a different evolution than the one Earth is in now. A big gold horse (with a dial on its belly) monument of some kind caught his notice (i.e. the front cover of the first Montauk book).
Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron were also assigned to be on the USS Eldridge. Both jumped off when they found that they were starting to phase out of this reality (more on this in latter videos).
Preston Nichols, a receiver / transmitter specialist, was assigned to the design of weather control technologies using techniques of Wilhelm Reich !!!. They were able to control storms, tornadoes, and various other weather systems using Z-Argon gases at the 406 MHz frequencies. These were to be incorporated into the Phoenix Project.
The projects developed from weather control and invisibility, to Human Mind Control. Their Idea was to control the mind of the enemy and make them surrender. By setting the emotions of people, then recording their psychic brain wave patterns, they found that when they replayed these patterns to other people, they too would be set to that emotion.
Preston also explains on the video how Teleportation to a future fixed point would alter the return to the same fixed point of a past, and that this would set up a re-occurring loop of a certain time line, while leaving other alternate past point time lines in perfect alternate possible futures (it gets complicated here), and sets up a locked time line. Preston farther explains how altered states of reality works in the "No perception of time" state (Robert Monroe's Local 12?).
Modified Control Panel Look at all this evidence !!! "Mind" Hardware
The Montauk Air force base was used for this testing from 1969 to 1979. These devices were perfected to the point where they could produce a mind control laser beam to make a person feel anything they wanted: love, hate, depression, etc. They could point this beam at a school of fish and make them swim in any direction that they wanted. Some 250,000 people were mind programmed and tested during this time. A side effect of this programming was that the people who were used for testing, some of them without their knowledge, all obtained an altered Aura. These altered Auras that can still be seen today by psychics and equipment. They had the power of creation so long as the power was supplied to the transmitters which required gigs and terra watts.
After the project was over, employees were de-briefed, brainwashed, reprogrammed, and had their memories erased with the knowledge from the project. In addition to this Al Bielek's conscious was put into another child's body after birth. Much of this technology was given to the upper government by a number of Extra-Terrestrial races in exchange for control and treaties (more on this in later Videos).
These Black Projects costs billions and billions of dollars to run, and it was not only one base at Montauk, but 25 bases all across the land all running in parallel. The question arises "where did all the money come from?". Its interesting to note that the money was not funded by the government!. Apparently the money used to fund these projects came from some secret society that got the money from a Nazi gold train carrying 10 billion dollars that disappeared during the war, and was found 10 years later in Montauk, only now the value was hundreds of billions of dollars due to inflation. The projects ceased on Aug 12 1983 when Montauk ran out of these billions.
The projects continue on in many veins ,contributing to some of the technology today, such as the B3 bombers (Stealth Technology).


Top 10 Latest Discoveries in 2011

10. Olopede Educational Electronic Kits
107 e1312815246714 Top 10 Latest Discoveries in 2011
Electronic learning is a trend online, and there is nothing more productive than to send kids the programs that could help them jumpstart the programming skills they may have. Four basic kits are primarily in the market for anyone to use.

9.  The Medical Mirror
096 e1312815275270 Top 10 Latest Discoveries in 2011
There is nothing way too technical about this discovery, but it certainly is one of the most talked about in the market. It comes with the distinction of telling the person viewing himself in the mirror can check his heart rate. Usually, this is captured with the use of a camera behind the glass that reads the facial algorithms to calculate the pulses of the heart.

8. Synthetic Cells
087 e1312815307121 Top 10 Latest Discoveries in 2011
Science is progressing, and one proof of that is the first ever synthetically produce DNA Cells. While there is still a debate to the usefulness and the effects of these cells to the environment, it is still one top discovery whose true potentials can only be achieved in the future.

7. Body Wave Scanner
077 e1312815352381 Top 10 Latest Discoveries in 2011
It is quite a feat to concentrate on certain tasks, and it would even be a greater one to shift it back to the high performance levels it once had. The Body Wave Scanner ensures to give you back the focus and concentration you may have lost. By understanding the physiological signals, it filters out bioelectricity signals of the heart and controls the overall stress factor.

6. Virtual Therapy
067 e1312815402612 Top 10 Latest Discoveries in 2011
At home pleasures are now the trends nowadays, and it spans form working at home down to the online shopping systems, you get the best convenience from the most traditional elements. Thus, virtual therapy is only one of those that will come to give you the best advantage and stress free elements.

5. The Martin Jetpack
057 e1312815450228 Top 10 Latest Discoveries in 2011
Flying men, who would not want to be one? Created by Glenn Martin, this contraption aims to achieve that long dream of traveling with the use of jetpacks. With a speed of 60 miles per hour and with the high altitudes of 8,000 feet, you could fly around for as much as 30 minutes will a full fuel tank. Leisure seems to be the primary use of the device for now, but, in time, it can be commercially produced as a faster and better way to travel.

4.  Google TV
047 e1312815498962 Top 10 Latest Discoveries in 2011
Again, the market of this Internet Company has expanded its wings beyond the frontier of the World Wide Web. Considering it entry to the Smartphone market with the use of the Android platforms, it aims to come with the next basic advancements in the TV Industry. Apps will certainly be a part of this new product and it will give TV viewers the new pleasures on TV viewing pleasures.

3. Glasses Free 3DTV
037 e1312815545983 Top 10 Latest Discoveries in 2011
Viewing pleasure is defined by the high quality images seen on the TV screen, and the 3D technology is one of the best experiences in the market. Home entertainment centers never used to have the glass free systems, or for that matter, it never had 3D integration. New versions from some of the top producers of these TV models will introduce better and larger screens the next following months.

2. Straddling Bus of China
027 e1312815587393 Top 10 Latest Discoveries in 2011
If you want technology that helps mankind then it would be the use of this 18 feet tall and 25 feet wide bus that will answer the populations’ burden of heavy traffic on the streets. Designed to be a public bus, it can carry around 1,200 passengers. Plus, it is being powered by solar power through the roofs of the bus. Practically, you are hitting two birds with one stone, you use natural power, and you get to save traffic on the streets.

1. Google Prius
017 e1312815631366 Top 10 Latest Discoveries in 2011
Who would have ever thought that an Internet company such as Google could involve itself to teaming up with one of the largest car manufacturers in the world? The Toyota Google Priuses are considered to be the prime of the crop, and it offers the most unique feature of a driverless car. By using the most advanced artificial intelligence software, it is able to work out the best imitations of what a typical driver will do. More than seven of these cars have already been tested, and are used by the employees of the company.

Posted by on August 9, 2011 in Science, Technology

Discovered: Stars as Cool as the Human Body

Discovered: Stars as Cool as the Human Body

August 24, 2011: Scientists using data from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) have discovered six "Y dwarfs"-- star-like bodies with temperatures as cool as the human body.
Room Temperature Stars (concept, 200px)
This artist's conception illustrates what a "Y dwarf" might look like. Y dwarfs are the coldest star-like bodies known, with temperatures that can be even cooler than the human body. [more]
Astronomers hunted these dark orbs for more than a decade without success. When viewed with a visible-light telescope, they are nearly impossible to see. WISE's infrared vision allowed the telescope to finally spot the faint glow of a half dozen Y dwarfs relatively close to our sun, within a distance of about 40 light-years.
"WISE scanned the entire sky for these and other objects, and was able to spot their feeble light with its highly sensitive infrared vision," says Jon Morse, Astrophysics Division director at NASA Headquarters in Washington.
The Y's are the coldest members of the brown dwarf family. Brown dwarfs are sometimes referred to as "failed" stars. They are too low in mass to fuse atoms at their cores and thus don't burn with the fires that keep stars like our sun shining steadily for billions of years. Instead, these objects cool and fade with time, until what little light they do emit is at infrared wavelengths. The atmospheres of brown dwarfs are similar to those of gas giant planets like Jupiter, but they are easier to observe because they are alone in space, away from the blinding light of a parent star.
So far, WISE data have revealed 100 new brown dwarfs.  Of these, six are classified as cool Y's. One of the Y dwarfs, called WISE 1828+2650, is the record holder for the coldest brown dwarf with an estimated atmospheric temperature cooler than room temperature, or less than 80 degrees Fahrenheit (25 degrees Celsius).
Room Temperature Stars (coldest, 558px)
WISE 1828+2650, the coldest brown dwarf known so far, is denoted by a green dot in very center of this infrared image. The chilly star-like body isn't even as warm as a human body, at less than about 80 degrees Fahrenheit. [more]
"The brown dwarfs we were turning up before this discovery were more like the temperature of your oven," says Davy Kirkpatrick, a WISE science team member at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center at Caltech. "With the discovery of Y dwarfs, we've moved out of the kitchen and into the cooler parts of the house."
The Y dwarfs are in our sun's neighborhood, from approximately nine to 40 light-years away. The Y dwarf approximately nine light-years away, WISE 1541-2250, may become the seventh closest star system, bumping Ross 154 back to eighth. By comparison, the star closest to our solar system, Proxima Centauri, is about four light-years away.
Room Temperature Stars (signup)
"Finding brown dwarfs near our sun is like discovering there's a hidden house on your block that you didn't know about," says Michael Cushing, a WISE team member at JPL. "It's thrilling to me to know we've got neighbors out there yet to be discovered. With WISE, we may even find a brown dwarf closer to us than our closest known star."
Once the WISE team identified brown dwarf candidates, they turned to NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope to narrow their list. To definitively confirm them, the WISE team used some of the most powerful telescopes and spectrometers on Earth to split apart the objects' light and look for telltale molecular signatures of water, methane and possibly ammonia. For the very coldest of the new Y dwarfs, the team used NASA's Hubble Space Telescope. The Y dwarfs were identified based on a change in these spectral features compared to other brown dwarfs, indicating they have a lower atmospheric temperature.
For more information about WISE, visit:

Production Editor: Dr. Tony Phillips | Credit: Science@NASA

Kepler Discovers a Planet with Two Suns

Kepler Discovers a Planet with Two Suns

Sept. 15, 2011: The existence of a world with a double sunset, as portrayed in the film Star Wars more than 30 years ago, is now scientific fact. NASA's Kepler mission has made the first unambiguous detection of a circumbinary planet -- a planet orbiting two stars -- 200 light-years from Earth.

Unlike Star Wars’ Tatooine, the planet is cold, gaseous and not thought to harbor life, but its discovery demonstrates the diversity of planets in our galaxy. Previous research has hinted at the existence of circumbinary planets, but clear confirmation proved elusive. Kepler detected such a planet, known as Kepler-16b, by observing transits, where the brightness of a parent star dims from the planet crossing in front of it.

"This discovery confirms a new class of planetary systems that could harbor life," Kepler principal investigator William Borucki said. "Given that most stars in our galaxy are part of a binary system, this means the opportunities for life are much broader than if planets form only around single stars. This milestone discovery confirms a theory that scientists have had for decades but could not prove until now."
Double Suns (splash, 558 px)
An artist's concept of Kepler-16b, the first planet known to definitively orbit two stars -- what's called a circumbinary planet. The planet, which can be seen in the foreground, was discovered by NASA's Kepler mission.

A research team led by Laurance Doyle of the SETI Institute in Mountain View, Calif., used data from the Kepler space telescope, which measures dips in the brightness of more than 150,000 stars, to search for transiting planets. Kepler is the first NASA mission capable of finding Earth-size planets in or near the "habitable zone," the region in a planetary system where liquid water can exist on the surface of the orbiting planet.

Scientists detected the new planet in the Kepler-16 system, a pair of orbiting stars that eclipse each other from our vantage point on Earth. When the smaller star partially blocks the larger star, a primary eclipse occurs, and a secondary eclipse occurs when the smaller star is occulted, or completely blocked, by the larger star.

Astronomers further observed that the brightness of the system dipped even when the stars were not eclipsing one another, hinting at a third body. The additional dimming in brightness events, called the tertiary and quaternary eclipses, reappeared at irregular intervals of time, indicating the stars were in different positions in their orbit each time the third body passed. This showed the third body was circling, not just one, but both stars, in a wide circumbinary orbit.
GRAIL (signup)

The gravitational tug on the stars, measured by changes in their eclipse times, was a good indicator of the mass of the third body. Only a very slight gravitational pull was detected, one that only could be caused by a small mass. The findings are described in a new study published Friday, Sept. 16, in the journal Science.

"Most of what we know about the sizes of stars comes from such eclipsing binary systems, and most of what we know about the size of planets comes from transits," said Doyle, who also is the lead author and a Kepler participating scientist. "Kepler-16 combines the best of both worlds, with stellar eclipses and planetary transits in one system."

This discovery confirms that Kepler-16b is an inhospitable, cold world about the size of Saturn and thought to be made up of about half rock and half gas. The parent stars are smaller than our sun. One is 69 percent the mass of the sun and the other only 20 percent. Kepler-16b orbits around both stars every 229 days, similar to Venus’ 225-day orbit, but lies outside the system’s habitable zone, where liquid water could exist on the surface, because the stars are cooler than our sun.

"Working in film, we often are tasked with creating something never before seen," said visual effects supervisor John Knoll of Industrial Light & Magic, a division of Lucasfilm Ltd., in San Francisco. "However, more often than not, scientific discoveries prove to be more spectacular than anything we dare imagine. There is no doubt these discoveries influence and inspire storytellers. Their very existence serves as cause to dream bigger and open our minds to new possibilities beyond what we think we 'know.'"

For more information about the Kepler-16 discovery, visit

Production Editor: Dr. Tony Phillips | Credit: Science@NASA

Lunes, Setyembre 26, 2011

People not aware of harmful effects of painkillers

People not aware of harmful effects of painkillers, study

Main Category: Pain / Anesthetics
Article Date: 26 Nov 2005 - 0:00 PDT

According to a study supported by the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), over-the-counter and prescription painkillers are often used inappropriately and there is an alarming number of people who are ignorant to the potential side effects. Despite the widespread use of store-bought and prescription painkillers, also known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), this is the first study to look at the characteristics of the population who frequently uses painkillers and their attitudes and behaviors. The study is published in the November issue of the Journal of Rheumatology.

"This study shows just how common these medications are used and highlights the lack of insight into their potential dangers," said C. Mel Wilcox, MD, lead study author from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. "The findings paint a clear picture of the need for patient and physician education efforts and interventions to help prevent unnecessary complications from painkillers."

A nationwide survey of adult households in the United States was commissioned to determine perceptions of NSAIDs users on the effectiveness of the drugs and their safety, and knowledge regarding side effects and medical complications associated with over-the-counter and prescription painkillers. NSAID users were defined in the study as those people who used prescription or over-the-counter painkillers on at least two occasions in the year prior to the survey for at least five consecutive days at a time.

Of the 807 people surveyed who used NSAIDs, 54 percent were not aware of the potential side effects of these drugs and 18 percent has previously experienced side effects. Those who used over-the-counter painkillers commonly experienced side effects such as stomach pain, internal bleeding and ulcers. Moreover, nearly 30 percent of these people did not consider themselves at risk for any side effects associated with painkiller use. Similar numbers of people who exclusively used prescription painkillers were unaware of their risks and experienced complications.

Everyday more than 36 million people take over-the-counter and prescription NSAIDs for pain relief, headaches and arthritis, with nearly 25 percent exceeding the recommended dosage. Although long-term use of NSAIDs in high doses can provide great benefit in terms of anti-inflammatory effects, pain relief and cardioprotective effects, there is an increased risk of gastrointestinal complications ranging from stomach pain to ulcers, hemorrhage, and severe and potentially deadly gastrointestinal problems. Each year, the side effects of long-term NSAID use cause nearly 103,000 hospitalizations and 16,500 deaths by some estimates.

In 2003, the AGA launched the R.E.D.U.C.E. (Risk Education to Decrease Ulcer Complications and Their Effects from NSAIDs) Campaign to help explain the potentially harmful effects of NSAIDs and how Americans can lower their risk for serious gastrointestinal problems. The findings of this study make programs like the R.E.D.U.C.E. campaign relevant and useful to the population of people who use painkillers regularly and the physicians who treat them. Pfizer provided funding for the R.E.D.U.C.E. campaign.

More information for consumers about the possible risks associated with NSAIDs is available at

About the AGA

The American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) is dedicated to the mission of advancing the science and practice of gastroenterology. Founded in 1897, the AGA is the oldest medical-specialty society in the United States. Comprised of two non-profit organizations--the AGA and the AGA Institute--our more than 14,500 members include physicians and scientists who research, diagnose and treat disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. The AGA, a 501(c6) organization, administers all membership and public policy activities, while the AGA Institute, a 501(c3) organization, runs the organization's practice, research and educational programs. On a monthly basis, the AGA Institute publishes two highly respected journals, Gastroenterology and Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. The organization's annual meeting is Digestive Disease Week�, which is held each May and is the largest international gathering of physicians, researchers and academics in the fields of gastroenterology, hepatology, endoscopy and gastrointestinal surgery.

Kimberly Wise
American Gastroenterological Association

Linggo, Setyembre 25, 2011

Four things about Facebook most people aren't aware of

Four things about Facebook most people aren't aware of

Posted on 14 May 2010.
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With all the security bugs that Facebook has lately been experiencing and the new privacy settings changes it has made, you might be wondering if it isn't the time to think about deleting (or deactivating) your account.

I'm not saying that you should, and I'm not saying that you shouldn't. I'm just saying that you should inform yourself before making a decision.

Joey Tyson (also known as "theharmonyguy") a security engineer that covers privacy and security issues in online social networking applications on his Social Hacking blog, revealed for CSO Online that there are a few things that Facebook would never come out and say directly.

We prefer your privacy settings to remain as we set them
When Facebook started out, users had almost complete control over what information they want to share and with whom they want to share it. Today, some information can't even be made private, and other can be made so but requires patience and knowledge to do it - not to mention that every time privacy settings are changed, they are automatically set to the most open option.

Basically, you CAN restrict (some) information, but Facebook would rather you don't. And to "encourage" you to see things their way, they make explanations confusing.

Application security is not something we have a lot of control over
Facebook tries and - for the most part - succeeds in tracking down vulnerabilities and security holes on their site, but third-party applications are another matter.

"When you use an application that is interacting with Facebook, you are trusting that application and its level of security as well," says Tyson. But you probably shouldn't. Tyson did some research recently, and it revealed that half of the most popular Facebook applications are compromised. And he expects that attackers will be starting to take advantage of that fact very soon.

Another problem are the third-party websites that are included in Instant Personalization - things like the recently discovered security hole in the Yelp website will probably not be the last.

We know where you've been (online)
If you thought that the omnipresent "Like" button was there just so that you can express your satisfaction with a particular website, you are dead wrong. The information is collected by Facebook and used to provide its users with "personalized and social experiences."

Tyson equals this with tracking cookies, but the difference is in the fact that all the information about your preferences is directly tied to your personal information in your profile.

Your information is also stored locally by third-party applications
As you authorize a third-party application to be downloaded, you also authorize it to access to some personal information. It's usually "your profile information, photos, your friends' info, and other content that it requires to work."

And how do you know which "other content" is that? Recently, though, Facebook announced that starting June 1, applications will be obligated to state explicitly and exactly all the categories of information they are going to access if authorized.

The bad news is that those applications will now be allowed to store information about the users in their databases, and if hackers manage to compromise such a database, they will be able to use all the information within.

A Tribute to Mr. Reynand Collado..

Prince of Darkness

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Prince of Darkness is a term used in John Milton's poem Paradise Lost, published in 1667, referring to Satan, who is viewed as the embodiment of evil. It is an English translation of the Latin phrase princeps tenebrarum, which occurs in the Acts of Pilate, written in the fourth century, in the 11th-century hymn Rhythmus de die mortis by Pietro Damiani[2], and in a sermon by Bernard of Clairvaux[3] from the 12th century.
The phrase also occurs in King Lear by William Shakespeare (c. 1606), Act III, Scene IV, l. 140:
Edgar: The prince of darkness is a gentleman.

30 most satisfying simple pleasures life has to offer:

They say the best things in life are free.  Beyond a shadow of a doubt, the list below proves that statement to be true.  Life is filled with simple pleasures, the little satisfying effects you never really anticipate, but always take great pleasure in.  They are the gifts of life that we each subconsciously celebrate in our own unique way.

Here are 30 of the most satisfying simple pleasures life has to offer:

1.Sleeping In on a Rainy Day – As the rain beats lightly against the window, you nestle your head deeper into your pillow.  The sound is soothing and your bed feels like a sanctuary.  There is no place you would rather be.
2.Finding Money You Didn’t Know You Had – You reach into your pocket and find a $20 bill from the last time you wore these jeans.  You aren’t rich, but you are richer than you were a second earlier.
3.Making Brief Eye Contact with Someone of the Opposite Sex – You pass her on the street or in the subway.  She glances up at you momentarily, making direct eye contact in a way that seems to communicate a subtle curiosity.  For a split second it makes you think… and then it’s gone.
4.Skinny Dipping – There is something mysteriously liberating about being naked in a body of water.  You are naked, but it feels natural, a sense of unrefined freedom.
5.Receiving a Real Letter or Package via Snail Mail – E-mail has become the primary source of written communication.  Most snail mail these days is junk mail.  When you check the mail and find a real letter or package from someone you know, excitement overtakes you as you tear into this rare gift.
6.Making the Yellow Light - It’s one of the most common simple pleasures, the act of beating the pack.  As you blaze through the yellow light you glance in your rearview to see all the cars behind you stopping at the red light.  Yes!  You made it!
7.Telling a Funny or Interesting, True Story - One of the most enticing roles you lead in life is that of the storyteller.  You love to share stories, especially those that will captivate your audience with deep curiosity and humor.  There are few things more satisfying than telling a true story that others enjoy listening to.
8.Seeing a Friend Stumble Over Himself – As you walk across the street with your friend, he fails to accurately address the curb on the other side.  He trips and stumbles around momentarily before regaining his footing, then swiftly attempts to play it off like nothing happened.  This can be a hilarious sight if the moment is right.
9.Hearing the Right Song at the Right Moment - It doesn’t matter what the setting is, hearing the right song for that moment is one of those simple pleasures in life that instantly lifts your spirits. You could be driving home from work, hanging out at a bar with friends, or jogging. When the right song rattles your ear drums the entire meaning of life seems crystal clear.
10.The First Sip of a Beverage When You’re Thirsty – You just finished mowing the lawn or taking a long jog.  The only thing on your mind is an ice-cold glass of water.  When you are really, really thirsty, that first sip of any liquid beverage is sheer bliss.
11.Catching a Glimpse of Bare Skin on the Opposite Sex – For guys, it’s when the waitress bends over a little too far.  For girls it’s seeing that buff guy in a Speedo.  Either way, when you see a bit more skin than you were expecting on the opposite sex, you can’t help but to smirk on the inside.
12.Saying the Same Thing Simultaneously – There is a moment of silence.  Then all of the sudden you and your friend blurt out the same exact set of words simultaneously.  This rare occurrence is something to smile about.
13.The Pull-Through Parking Spot – You pull into a parking spot and are delighted to see the availability of the parking spot immediately in front of you.  You pull through to the spot in front so that when you return to the car you can drive forward out of the parking spot.  Why?  Because driving backwards is a pain in the butt.
14.Realizing You Have More Time to Sleep – Something abruptly awakens you and you think it’s time to get up.  Then you squint over at your alarm clock and realize you still have 2 more hours to sleep.  A warm euphoric feeling shoots though your body as you glide gracefully back to your dreams.
15.People Watching – Sitting there on your bench you can see people in every direction.  Tall people, small people, thin and plump.  Blond, brunette, and redhead alike.  Each of them has a different stride and a unique expression.  As you drift from body to body you are mesmerized by what you see.
16.Putting On Clothes Straight from the Dryer – As soon as the dryer buzzes, you pull out your clothes and put them on.  They feel soothingly warm on your skin and emit a fresh-scented aroma into the air.  A sentiment of ease comes over you as you head out to conquer the day.
17.A Familiar Smell – You just pulled into your parent’s driveway and opened the car door.  You haven’t been home in a long while.  You smell familiarity in the air, the scent of a large pine tree in the neighbor’s yard.  As you head through the front door, more familiar smells consume your senses.  Gosh, it feels good to be home…
18.The Feeling You Get When Your Idea Works – You have been struggling to resolve a complex problem all day and you just can’t seem to get it right.  Filled with frustration, you decide to exercise one last idea before calling it a night.  You’ve had many ideas before that failed miserably… but this time it works.
19.Fresh, Clean Bed Sheets – You yank at the corner of the bedspread to create just enough space to slide your body under the freshly cleaned sheets.  The sheets feel cool to the touch.  Everything seems so clean, like nobody has ever slept in this bed before.
20.A Beautiful View – As the car veers around the side of the mountain you gaze out the passenger window.  It’s a clear, sunny day and you can see the entire valley below filled with wild flowers and bright green vegetation.  The scenery reminds you of something you once saw in National Geographic.  But here it is live, right before your eyes.
21.Reminiscing About Old Times with Your Closest Friends – Pink Floyd once said “the memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime”.  There is no simple pleasure more satisfying than recounting the greatest moments of your life with your closest friends who lived these moments alongside you.
22.Receiving an Unexpected Compliment – It’s been an average day.  Nothing really great has happened, but nothing terrible occurred either.  This monotonous day has put you in a dreary mood.  Unexpectedly, an older, attractive lady taps you on the shoulder, calls you “handsome” and says she loves your shirt.  The day just got a whole lot better.
23.Having a Good Laugh – Laughter is the greatest cure of all.  Life is extraordinary in the moments when you are laughing so hard you can barely breathe.  These moments of deep laughter are divine in the sense that they cleanse your mood and set your mind on a positive track.
24.The Feeling After a Healthy Workout - It’s a giddy feeling of self accomplishment; the one true activity that actually makes you feel better and look better simultaneously. When you walk out the front door of the gym you are on top of the world.
25.The Celebration in the Instant Something Makes Sense – Even now that it has explained to you for the third time, you just don’t understand how it works.  Everyone else seems to understand but you.  Then out of the blue the dots connect in your mind.  You finally get it, and it feels great!
26.Relaxing Outdoors on a Sunny Day – As you relax sprawled out in a lawn chair, the sun warms your skin and a light breeze keeps the temperature comfortable.  Birds are chirping merrily in the trees behind you.  You are at complete peace with the environment.
27.Holding Hands with Someone You Love – Every time she grabs your hand you are overcome with an awareness of how much she means to you.  Holding hands is sensual and physically intimate, yet subtle.  There are few people you allow to hold your hand, so when it happens you can be sure that the moment is special.
28.Playing in the Water – Water marvels people of all ages.  From jumping in puddles as a child, to doing cannon balls in the pool as an adolescent, to enjoying a cocktail in the Jacuzzi as an adult… water is enjoyable.
29.Making Someone Smile – You notice that your colleague has been under a great deal of stress with meeting a deadline, so you take it upon yourself to complete one of her indirect responsibilities for her.   As soon as she realizes what you did, she comes into your office with a big smile on her face.  “Thank you”, she says.  You just hit two birds with one stone, because making her smile just made your day.
30.Finishing What You Started – You just finished up a big project you’ve been working on for the last few months, or maybe you just finished your first marathon… Either way, you finalized what you set out to accomplish.  The feeling of self accomplishment you get when you finish what you started is by far one of the most rewarding simple pleasures life has to offer.
A comprehensive list of life’s simple pleasures would be quite extensive.  My list represents those which are most satisfying to a sample of people in and around my life.  With a few sporadic exceptions, I believe these simple pleasures hold universal appeal.

Make Money Online

How to Make Money Online...

Many of us use internet as a source of communication and fun, watching videos, posting comments, uploading photos and many more, but only a few of us are aware that internet can make also money.. if you do not know.. i'll give you some idea...

Every day more and more people are looking to learn how to make money fast. Both in the online and offline worlds people are starting realize that having a “job” and working 40 hours a week for 40 years is not the ideal way to live.

1.Make Money Taking Paid Online Surveys – Free Membership

Are you looking for a legitimate way to make money online? Maybe you want some extra spending money. Or perhaps you need the money to pay bills. Either way, getting paid for filling out simple surveys can be a fun and lucrative way to earn that extra cash.
In fact, there’s quite a lot of money to be had — and the cool thing is that you can earn it in your spare time. Any time you can spare a few minutes — or a few hours, you can make money.
It’s easy too. Once you have signed up with the right survey companies, all you have to do is check your email and pick the best surveys, and you’re off to earning money every time you fill in the blanks.
Want to get started making money doing online surveys right away? Visit SurveyMastermind and enter your details. (It’s a completely Free service). Then you will start receiving surveys to fill out and start earning money. Click Here to get started now!
And if you’re wondering why anyone would care about your opinion, let alone pay you good money for it, read on. There’s a reason why you can make real money with surveys:
Countless companies, including the largest international corporations, are desperately trying to find out what consumers want. And they’re willing to pay a whole lot of money for market research.
But they still have a problem. How can they connect with you, the consumer? It’s not all that easy, so they hire survey companies to help them find out what people think about their products and what they would be most likely to buy in the future. They also want to know what it will take to get people to buy…
And if you sign up, you’ll become part of that cutting edge market research.
It’s really cool. You may have the chance to find out about new products long before they actually become available in stores. You might get to play video games that haven’t even been released yet. And you might get to watch trailers for movies that haven’t even finished filming yet. And the best part…. you get paid for your “efforts.”
That’s because paying for you to take surveys is the quickest and easiest way for a company to get the information and feedback they need. And believe it or not, even when they pay thousands of people several dollars each for fill it in even one quick survey, it’s cheaper (and more effective) for them than many other forms of market research. And it’s way cheaper than making a costly mistake.
Remember the NEW Coke? What a disaster that was! And it would have been so easy to prevent. All they had to do was ask people what they thought of the idea and they would have known better than to mess with a tried and true formula.
But noooo. The company executives thought they knew what was best — and they fell flat on their face.
So surveys can be essential for a company’s survival. And they know it and are willing to pay for it. So why not let them pay you?
Now you’re probably wondering what it will take to connect with those big companies and get paid for sharing your opinion?
All you have to do is find the right surveys… And the easiest way to do that is to join a club that specializes in helping consumers like you and me to hook up with the surveys that pay the most money.
We have searched the internet and found what we believe to be the best sites for online surveys. Unlike a lot of other survey sites out there, it’s a Free Service. Not only that, but they also specialize in connecting you with surveys that actually pay.
And as soon as you join and sign up with the companies they recommend, you will start receiving surveys to fill out… and start earning.
Want to get started making money doing online surveys right away? Visit SurveyMastermind and enter your details. (It’s a completely Free service). Then you will start receiving surveys to fill out and start earning money. Click Here to get started now!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is making money with surveys difficult?
Not at all. You just need to be able to answer a few simple questions and fill in some details, and you’re ready to earn a nice income from taking online surveys and helping companies with their market research.
How do I pick the right survey sites?
Start by joining a survey site that will connect you with the best sites. After all, how much you can earn will depend on which survey sites you sign up for. Some of those sites will pay you money every time you fill out a survey, while others use more of a sweepstakes approach, and offer cash and prize draws to those who fill out their surveys.
The sites that we recommend will help you find surveys that pay real cash for surveys. Many other sites will send you surveys that offer prizes and points, so you need to be careful.
No matter which site you sign up for, though, they ultimately all work the same way. You tell them your basic information and then they start sending you surveys whenever they become available.
How will it work?
First you join the survey site. Then, you’ll get access to a list of pre-screened survey companies which in turn will send you the surveys.
You sign up for several of those companies and fill out your profile with as much information as you can. This will help the site in deciding which surveys to send to whom.
Do all survey companies pay cash?
No they don’t. we will be sure to steer you towards survey companies that have lots of cash-paying surveys and away from those that don’t.
How much can I earn?
The amount you will receive for each survey or market research exercise varies between sites and countries, and it depends on the amount of time each one will take you. One site pays between $4 and $50 which is about average, although most surveys will be at the lower end of the scale. Of course, you can fill in several surveys per hour, so the earnings can add up.
Can I answer the surveys any time I want?
Yes you can. However, you should know that you’re usually competing with other survey takers. Each survey may only need to be answered by a set number of people and they often send it to more than is needed to make sure they get enough replies. The sooner you can complete each one and send it back, the better – and the faster your money will add up too.
Is there anything else I need to know?
Make sure you set up a new email account purely for use with your survey sites. After all, you will be getting lots of emails to plough through, and you don’t want them all going into your normal accounts. That way, you won’t have to sort through them to find your personal email. You also don’t risk missing a potentially lucrative survey in an inbox full of personal email.
How can I get started?
Visit SurveyMastermind and enter your details (It’s a Free Service) and you will start receiving surveys to fill out and start earning. Click Here to start now!

2.How To Make Money Blogging

More and more people are realising that blogging is one of the best ways to start your own online business. It requires minimal start up costs, you can build an impressive and loyal readership over time and once you know how to monetize your blog it can also bring in a decent income that will keep on coming even on the days when you don’t update your blog.
There are several ways to set up a blog online. You could use WordPress, Blogger, or another free site that hosts your blog for you; or alternatively you can set up your own blog under your own domain name.
If you want to make serious money from blogging, you must have complete control over your blog – and that’s something the free blogging accounts won’t give you. You’ll be bound by their terms and conditions and that usually includes not being able to actively promote anything. There are plenty of people who have established a blog only to have it removed without notice some weeks or months later.
Featured Story: Click Here to find out how one “stay at home mom” is making $379/day working from home using eBay & Google. Read the full story here.
It will cost you a few dollars to buy your domain name and set up a web server that will host your blog, but the benefits will far outweigh the cost involved. It can literally be as little as $20 a year we’re talking about here – and that buys you total freedom.
Once you’re ready to set your blog up you’ll need to choose a good theme and layout for it. You might find one that relates to your choice of subject (more on that in a moment) or else there might be one you just like the look of. But there are thousands of templates available for you to use – a simple search on Google will reveal the ones that will be best suited to your topic.
But perhaps the most important question is what you are going to blog about. The whole world is your oyster here – some people blog about their lives in general; some blog about their jobs; some blog about their hobbies; some tell the world about their kids and what it’s like to be a parent, and still others blog about the weird world of celebrities. But whatever you choose to blog about it needs to be something you are passionate about. Don’t forget, you are going to be writing about this topic several times a week, and if you don’t have the enthusiasm for it, that will show in your posts – and no one else will have the enthusiasm to read them.
Okay – so you’ve got your subject. Now you have to start writing your blog posts. If you take a look at just a few of the blogs already online, you’ll notice that the length of the posts varies a lot. Some people only write a paragraph or two each time, but you’ll get better results if you go for something a little longer than this. Around 400 to 500 words makes for a good post with a lot of information in it; some people write hugely long posts that are thousands of words long and could be called an e-book by another name.
But you can also take the format of this blog, by posting a short blog entry which leads into a longer article. This has the benefit of highlighting a lot of blog posts on the home page of the site, and people can then click through and read the ones they like the most.
You should remember however that there are no real rules when it comes to blogging. Over time you will naturally find what works for you, and your blog will settle down into a nice pattern that both you and your readers will enjoy. You’ll find your character and personality will start to come through in your writing too; don’t fight against this as it is one of the hallmarks of blogging. It is, after all, a personal account of an individual’s life and experiences, so show people what you’re made of! You’ll get a more loyal – and bigger – audience like this.
So you’ve got your blog up and running and you’re posting to it on a regular basis. The next step is to get it in front of as many interested eyeballs as possible.
One great way to do this is to submit it to as many of the social bookmarking sites as possible. You can also join social networking sites and build a profile which contains a link to your blog. Other no cost ways to generate traffic include writing free articles for article directories with a link to your blog at the end, and creating signatures at the end of any posts you make to internet forums, and also in all the emails you send out. When you really start thinking about it, you don’t actually need to spend anything to generate plenty of traffic.
All we need to do now is monetize the blog itself. You’ll want to generate some money from all the visitors you’ll start getting, and there are plenty of ways to do this easily. Google Adsense is probably the most well known method – you can join the program for free and display contextual ads that your visitors will be interested in to maximise your click through rate.
There are also a handful of websites which give you the opportunity to get paid for each blog post you make on a specific subject. Pay Per Post and Review Me are two such examples, and they will pay you a certain amount of money to review a product or website for the owner. In a similar vein you can also review and recommend other people’s products through affiliate links inserted into your blog posts, and earn money on commissions earned through any purchases people make.
And once you’re more established you can offer ad space on your blog too, and charge a fee for both classified and display ads if you wish. What could be better than setting your own price?
But there is one final step you can take with your blog if you enjoy a change of scene every now and again. You can sell your blog! Once it is established and has plenty of revenue and traffic, you can usually sell it for ten times its monthly revenue.
And then, you can start all over again with a whole new subject!
So that’s it – profitable blogging in a nutshell. If you have any questions feel free to leave your comments in the form below. And once you’ve done that, get out there and get started building your first blog today.
Featured Story: Click Here to find out how one “stay at home mom” is making $379/day working from home using eBay & Google. Read the full story here.

3.How to Make Money with a Website

Making money with a website not only requires very little initial investment, but depending on what you want to focus on, it can be an extremely profitable venture as well. From affiliate marketing to blogging to actually selling your own products or even just running advertising on your site, even beginners with little to no experience can make money with a website if they just follow a few simple guidelines.
Building a website is also a lot easier than most people think. Gone are the days when you needed to understand html code, or be a design guru. There are now simple push button scripts available that let you get up and running with a professional looking website or blog in just minutes. There are also hundreds of great tutorials available online that will show you step by step how to make a website.
Affiliate marketing can be a great way to get started with making money online. With your own website, you can see where your audience is coming from and directly test new strategies to encourage new potential customers to come and buy a product that you’re marketing.
Special Offer: If you are interested in starting a website but don’t know where to begin. We have arranged a special deal with a well trusted web host, where they will give you a free custom built website on a topic of your choice. To learn more about how this works, click here to watch a video which explains the process.
Affiliate marketing is when you market someone else’s product and receive a percentage of commissions in return for directing customers to another’s site. Depending on your niche, this can be quite lucrative. It will require some research to determine the best topics to work on, but regardless, it can be easy to leave links in your articles or even go so far as to have your own online store of goods you are affiliated with.
Blogging is another easy way to make money with a website, because once you’re established, that opens up many more opportunities to dip into other income streams. Given the propensity of other blogs out there today, it’s imperative to create a unique angle that will attract readers and eventually, advertisers. Top bloggers earn thousands per month from advertisers paying them to leave ads on their blogs for their millions of readers to potentially click on. Advertisers like this because they have a targeted audience already assembled for them; they just need a mechanism to get the traffic to their site.
You Can also build simple content based sites that offer visitors information about a particular subject they are search for. Then once you get the traffic coming to your site, you can monetize it by either promoting affiliate programs or by placing ads on your site. (just like the ads on this site) Then every time someone clicks on one of the ads on your site, you get a paid for it. Then you just have to work on producing good quality content which will attract more and more traffic. More Traffic = More Clicks = More Money.
Selling products through a website can also make you a healthy profit, because this gives you access to an entire network of internet users all over the world, not just customers who live in your area. Info-products are still making money, albeit not as much as they used to. But these are easy because they cost very little to make and it doesn’t take much effort to market them if your audience is there and possibly willing to purchase them.
Selling info-products means you are providing specialized information to a privileged group of people willing to pay for access to this information. This can be in the form of e-books, newsletters, or reports. All you need is a website, a quality product, and great advertising copy that will have customers lining up to buy.
Having your own website can be extremely helpful in boosting your other business ventures, such as freelance writing or consulting.
This is great in many ways because:
  1. This means you are (hopefully) very knowledgeable about the services you provide and can offer great insight on them to your readers and
  2. Writing articles on this subject matter can reel in not only loyal readers but potential clients as well. For example, if you are a small business consultant writing about marketing tactics, this could interest a business owner looking for further help with their own practice and encourage them to contact you in regards to further services. Offering free reading material is more valuable than most people realize, because it usually leads to actual paying customers.
Whichever way you choose to make money out of your website it’s easy to see why some of the most successful people and companies in the world are building their own websites.
Special Offer: If you are interested in starting a website but don’t know where to begin. We have arranged a special deal with a well trusted web host, where they will give you a free custom built website on a topic of your choice. To learn more about how this works, click here to watch a video which explains the process.